A trichologist is a dermatologist who diagnoses, prevents and treats diseases of the hair and scalp. Trichologists use in their practice the most modern methods and preparations that allow you to restore hair health in the shortest possible time.

Trichologist's consultation.

At the first appointment, the trichologist listens to your complaints, finds out when the problems with the hair or scalp began, and inquires about the condition of the hair of the next of kin, since the genetic mechanisms in this case are of great importance. The doctor will definitely clarify information about the stresses you have experienced, how and what you eat, whether you are taking strong medications, or whether you suffer from chronic diseases.

If an examination of the hair and scalp is not enough to make a diagnosis and some conclusions require clarification, the trichologist will prescribe the necessary laboratory tests, such as determining of the hormonal status, biochemical blood test, etc.

If necessary, trichologist will refer you for a consultation to: neurologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, since hair problems can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems.

Having received the research data, the trichologist will prescribe conservative treatment (medication, physiotherapy), recommend home care products and products for prevention of hair diseases.

In the Center of Aesthetic Medicine “Nofrete”, injection procedures are made which are aimed at treating hair and scalp.

Plasma therapy is an innovative method of healing the scalp, which is based on the ability of the patient's own blood platelets to "wake up" the cells, to stimulate their normal functioning. As a result, hair loss stops, inflammation disappears, and the activity of hair follicles is restored. Blood is taken from a patient in the same way as in a conventional analysis from a vein, then it is divided into fractions in a centrifuge. The doctor receives plasma enriched with activated platelets. This plasma is injected by the trichologist into the problem areas of the patient's scalp using microinjections.

Do not expect these warning signs to disappear on their own, make an appointment with a trichologist at the Center of Aesthetic Medicine “Nofrete”

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